about me

  Hello, I'm Jason Nesbitt.  Well, not really -- it's just a name I use.  I'm 18 as of April 27, 2004.  I live on the border of the Park Slope and Windsor Terrace sections of Brooklyn, New York.  I live with my grandmother, aunt and little bitch of a sister.  I'm a senior at Murry Bergtraum High School in Lower Manhattan, but I won't be graduating until January 2005 at the earliest.  Did I mention I was gay?   Yeah, I'm gay.  I don't have any gay friends, though, and hopefully that'll change -- along with my being single.  I work for a well-known Lower Manhattan attorney's office as a data processor and claims assistant -- the pay is pretty good, and the people are really nice there.  I'm not really good at writing an autobiography, so while I work on it, here is a survey I filled out -- there's also one in the journal.

LAYER ONE: On The Outside


Name: Jason C. Nesbitt   

Birth date: April 27, 1986

Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York

Current Location: Same.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5'9"

Righty or Lefty: Righty

Zodiac Sign: Taurus


LAYER TWO: On The Inside


Your heritage:  My family is of Puerto Rican heritage.

Shoes you wore today: Reebok sneakers. 

Your weakness: Cheesecake....mmmm....cheesecake

Your fears: Right now, of being outed & kicked out, and not getting into college

Your perfect pizza: Use half the cheese, and top with mushrooms.

Goal you'd like to achieve: Get into a relationship, make it to Channel 2...


LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don't use AIM

Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it!

Your best physical feature: I don't really care...but have been told my legs are awesome.  But I guess my smile though.

Your bedtime: 11:35, right after CBS 2 News.

Your most missed memory: ?




Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke with Lime...it is so good.

McDonald's or Burger King: I love McDonald's for their chicken sandwiches, salads, McFlurries, thick shakes, fries.  I love Burger King also for their chicken sandwiches and shakes, onion rings, apple pie, french toast sticks/CiniMinis, hash browns (they're nice and small), and they have TV.

Single or group dates: Never dated.

Adidas or Nike: Nike.

Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: I love Lipton's Peach and Raspberry Iced Teas -- you know, in the glass bottles??

Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.  I don't mind chocolate, but it has to be light and pleasing, like a 3 Musketeers bar, mint chocolate chip ice cream, or orange Milano cookies.  I am a strawberry man!!!

Cappuccino or coffee: I love Brownie Fraps and Caramel Macchiatos at Starbucks.




Smoke: No.

Cuss: Sure.

Sing: Uh-huh...next question.

Take a shower everyday: Yup!!

Have a crush(es): No.

Think you've been in love: No.

Like(d) high school: Certain parts.

Want to get married: Yes!

Believe in yourself: Most of the time.

Get motion sickness: No.

Think you're attractive: Somewhat.

Think you're a health freak: No.

Get along with your family:  Sort of.

Like thunderstorms: No. 

Play an instrument: No.


LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...



Smoked: No.

Done a drug: No.

Made Out: No.

Gone on a date: No.

Gone to the mall?: Sure.

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I can do one or two but I'm not big on them...

Eaten sushi: No.

Been on stage: No.

Been dumped: I've never been in a relationship, so how could I be dumped?

Gone skating: No.

Gone skinny dipping: Never have, but I probably would.

Dyed your hair: Sure.

Stolen anything: I wouldn't say "stolen..." let's call it borrowed, hm?




Played a game that required removal of clothing: No.

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.

Been caught "doing something": No.

Been called a tease: No.

Gotten beaten up: No.

Shoplifted: No.


LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older


Age you hope to be married: 25-ish?

Numbers and Names of Children: Let's not talk about that now...

Describe your dream wedding: A simple one, contemporary yet elegant, in either spring or fall, right by the calm waters...

How do you want to die: I don't.

What do you want to be when you grow up: Anchor at WCBS/Channel 2, then on to the networks?

What country would you most like to visit: England


LAYER NINE: In a boy:


Best eye color?: Blue.

Best hair color?: Really dark brown like black, but blond's cool.

Short or long hair: Short, but a little length's cool.

Best first date location: Let's go cliche and do dinner/movie.


LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...


Number of drugs taken illegally: Zip. 

Number of people I could trust with my life: None yet.

Number of CDs that I own: Oh Jeez!! Um...80?

Number of piercings: Zilch.

Number of tattoos: Zero.

Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper?: None, but that will change.

Number of scars on my body: Zero!

Number of things in my past that I regret: I should've gone to private school.

©2002-2004 Jason C. Nesbitt (LC).  All rights reserved.